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Culture guides behaviour 


If VALUES are the goal, then VIRTUES are the way to attain them.


Virtues are the inner condition of being human and they can be developed individually or collectively. Their strength is seen only when acted on.


Virtues foster pro-social behaviour. This inner condition functions during brief interactions as well as in long term relationships. Their development functions as an inoculation during periods of discontent, difficulties and change as well as provides a secure environment for learning, productivity, creativity and support.


Examples of virtues:










These all feed into our society, families, and the economy.


virtUES in your organisation

Research in the field of virtues is still in its early stages, but it is shining a light on the future of leadership and the evolution of organisational cultures.


Recent studies have shown that a strong culture of values and virtues protects and develops the individual (their well being and productivity) as well as enhances resilience within an organisation (Gittell, Cameron & Lim, 2006).


An organisation will already have systems, standard operating procedures and codes of conduct in place, however, not every possible dilemma or decision can be anticipated. The culture of a company is key in strengthening relationships and guiding ethical judgements.


Developing your organisation's virtuous culture will:

  • Good culture attracts talent​

  • Reduces staff turnover

  • Improves productivity

  • Supports mental health

  • Generate Corporate Social Responsibility

  • Increases resilience in change and times of economic challenges

  • Supports Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

aboutKLEE Consulting service


A three step approach

Measure culture - Intervention - Measure culture

Using both qualitative and quantitative methods we will work together and learn about the reality of your organisation's culture. Over time, at all levels we will develop the culture to benefit both the organisation as a whole and the wellbeing of the staff.

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